Aviation Collection Lands at New Location
Soldiers and mechanics sit on the wing of the Fokker D.VIII aircraft. Anthony Fokker, a Dutch aviation pioneer and aircraft manufacturer, is the sixth person from the right, standing with his hands on his hips.
The History of Aviation Archives has been relocated to provide more space for its collections.
The new space in Synergy Park North includes a 24-seat research room, a conference room and special spaces for artifacts, including items from the CAT/Air America Archive and James H. Doolittle Collection.
The aviation archive was previously housed in the Special Collections and Archives Division in the Eugene McDermott Library.
The division also houses the library’s rare books, the Wineburgh Philatelic Research Library, the Louise B. Belsterling Botanical Library and the University Archives.
Flight crew No. 1 of the 1942 Doolittle Raid on Japan. From left: Lt. Henry A. Potter (navigator), Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle (pilot), S. Sgt. Fred A Braemer (bombardier), Lt. Richard E. Cole (co-pilot), S. Sgt. Paul J. Leonard (engineer-gunner).