6 Things Comets Need to Know for Graduation



If you’re about to graduate from UT Dallas, congrats!

Scan these tips to make sure your big day is A++! Whoosh!

1. Arrive At Least 45 Minutes Before the Ceremony

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Don’t be that person. Make sure you arrive at the east end of the Activity Center with plenty of time to spare ― at least 45 minutes before your ceremony. Definitely add extra time to find a parking space.

And if you haven’t been told enough already, don’t forget your walking card.


Don’t forget it.

2. Wear Your Approved Graduation Regalia

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What to wear, what to wear, what to wear??? This is easy: your grad regalia. Oh, and the tassle goes on the RIGHT side.

Pro tip: Take the comfy shoes and leave the personal items, including purses.

3. Ceremony Need-to-Knows

Via Giphy

If ya don’t know, now ya know: Line up according to the number on your walking card. The ceremony typically lasts about an hour or so, so you better visit the bathroom beforehand.

4. Friends, Family, Pets Across the World Can Watch

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Family or friends — or pets — can’t make it to the ceremony? They can watch the ceremony live via webcast.

5. Post Ceremony: Don’t Miss Memories on the Mall

You’ve walked the stage and now it’s time to celebrate with your family and friends at Memories on the Mall, which will include plenty of photo/selfie opps and special gifts.

Pro tip: Pick a specific place on campus (Spirit Rocks . . . in front of the SSB . . . ATEC’s main entrance . . .) to meet up with family and friends after the ceremony.

6. ’gram and Tweet #UTDGrad

Via Giphy

Make sure to use #UTDGrad on all your social media!
